Config Builder

Government Type

# Which version of the consensus rules to use
version: 3

# Add extra labels for the vote counts and age when merging
extra_labels: false

# Don't count any vote from a user who votes for multiple options
prevent_doubles: true


  # At least three people should sign off on any pull request.
  quorum: 3

  # Required percentage of "yes" votes (ignoring abstentions). It's a good idea to give "no" votes more power.
  threshold: 0.74

  # Number of hours after last action (commit or opening the pull request) before issue can be merged
  merge_delay: 12

  # Number of votes at which the merge_delay gets ignored, assuming no negative votes.
  delay_override: 6

  # Close pull requests that don't pass after seven days without any activity (new commits).
  timeout: 168

  # Do not allow changes to the license.
  license_lock: true

  # Allow the consensus rules (this file) to be changed.
  consensus_lock: false

  # Wait for at least four days before merging any new consensus rules.
  consensus_delay: 96

  # Allow anyone to vote on this project, even if they've never contributed.
  contributors_only: false

  # Don't put any restrictions on who can vote.
  collaborators_only: false